Kim, Financial/Patient Coordinator
What is your super power of choice?
To be Invisible
What is your favorite music to listen to?
80’s Hip Hop
What TV sitcom family would you be a member of?
The Heck’s (The Middle)
If you were stranded on a tropical island what two things would you want with you?
A Beach Chair and an Umbrella!

Victoria, Marketing Coordinator/Patient Coordinator
What is your favorite season and why?
Fall, cooler weather, sweaters, and college football
Favorite music:
Country, Classic Rock, & Hip Hop
What TV sitcom would you be a member of?
One Tree Hill
What is your Super power of choice?
To teleport

Carla, Treatment Coordinator
What is your favorite season and why?
Spring; Sunshine and SF Giants Baseball
What is your favorite movie quote?
“You’re killing me smalls!” Ham-The Sandlot
What sitcom would you be a member of?
Favorite music:
Country and Old School Rap

Betsy, Registered Dental Assistant
What is your favorite season, and why?
Fall, love the cool weather & fall colors
What TV sitcom family would you be a member of?
Schitt’s Creek
What’s your favorite movie quote?
“Life’s a garden, dig it” – Joe Dirt
Favorite music:
Acoustics, Pop, & Hip-Hop

Chelsi, Registered Dental Assistant
What is your favorite season and why?
Summer, because my birthday is in August!
Favorite music:
Country! Boot Scootin Boogie!
What is your Super power of choice?
To be invincible
What sitcom would you be a member of?